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我家的小型图书馆 (中英文版文字分享)

Learning To Get Along:

Learning To Get Along:

Cool Down and Work Through Anger “长大我最棒” - 冷静和平息怒气 by Cheri J. Meiners, M.Ed

Learning To Get Along:

Learning To Get Along:

Reach Out and Give “长大我最棒” - 帮助和给予 by Cheri J. Meiners, M.Ed

Learning To Get Along:

Learning To Get Along:

Be Polite and Kind “长大我最棒” - 礼貌和友善 by Cheri J. Meiners, M.Ed

Learning To Get Along:

Learning To Get Along:

Join In and Play “长大我最棒” - 加入和一起玩耍 by Cheri J. Meiners

Learning To Get Along:

Learning To Get Along:

Share and Take Turns “长大我最棒” - 学会分享 by Cheri J. Meiners, M.Ed

Learning To Get Along:

Learning To Get Along:

Respect and Take Care of Things “长大我最棒” - 爱护和管理物品 by Cheri J. Meiners, M.Ed

Learning To Get Along:

Learning To Get Along:

Listen and Learn “长大我最棒” - 倾听和学习 by Cheri J. Meiners, M.Ed

Learning To Get Along:

Learning To Get Along:

Know and Follow Rules “长大我最棒” - 懂得和遵守规则 by Cheri J. Meiners, M.Ed

Learning To Get Along:

Learning To Get Along:

When I Feel Afraid “长大我最棒” - 克服恐惧 by Cheri J. Meiners, M.Ed

Learning To Get Along:

Learning To Get Along:

Accept and Value Each Person “长大我最棒” - 接纳和认同他人 by Cheri J. Meiners, M.Ed

Learning To Get Along:

Learning To Get Along:

Try and Stick with It “长大我最棒” - 尝试和坚持 by Cheri J. Meiners, M.Ed

Learning To Get Along:

Learning To Get Along:

Talk and Work It Out “长大我最棒” - 沟通和解决问题 by Cheri J. Meiners, M.Ed

Learning To Get Along:

Learning To Get Along:

Understand and Care “长大我最棒” - 理解和关爱他人 by Cheri J. Meiners

Belinda The Ballerina 大脚丫跳芭蕾

Belinda The Ballerina 大脚丫跳芭蕾

Nothing At All 隐形狗

Nothing At All 隐形狗

Once A Mouse 从前有一只老鼠

Once A Mouse 从前有一只老鼠

I Will Never Not Ever Eat A Tomato

I Will Never Not Ever Eat A Tomato

我绝对绝对不吃番茄 by Lauren Child

A Giraffe And A Half 一只加长十分之五的长颈鹿

A Giraffe And A Half 一只加长十分之五的长颈鹿

by Shel Silverstein

Be Quiet, Little Hen! 别吵了!小母鸡!

Be Quiet, Little Hen! 别吵了!小母鸡!

by Moira Butterfield

One Hundred Hungry Ants 饥饿的蚂蚁

One Hundred Hungry Ants 饥饿的蚂蚁

by Elinor J. Pinczes

A Color of His Own 自己的颜色

A Color of His Own 自己的颜色

by Leo Lionni

A Taste of The Moon 月亮的味道

A Taste of The Moon 月亮的味道

by Michael Grejniec

A Tree Is Nice 树真好

A Tree Is Nice 树真好

by Janice May Udry

Angela's Airplane 安吉拉开飞机

Angela's Airplane 安吉拉开飞机

by Robert Munsch

Angry Arthur 生气的亚瑟

Angry Arthur 生气的亚瑟

by Hiawyn Oram

City dog, country frog 城里狗,乡下蛙

City dog, country frog 城里狗,乡下蛙

by Mo Willems

Cornelius 鳄鱼哥尼流

Cornelius 鳄鱼哥尼流

by Leo Lionni

Courage 勇气

Courage 勇气

by Bernad Waber

Crafty Chameleon 聪明的变色龙

Crafty Chameleon 聪明的变色龙

by Mwenye Hadithi and Adrienne Kennaway

Cookies Bite-Size Life Lessons

Cookies Bite-Size Life Lessons

小饼干的大道理 by Amy Krouse Rosenthal

Daley B. 我不知道我是谁

Daley B. 我不知道我是谁

by Jon Blake

David Gets In Trouble 大卫惹麻烦

David Gets In Trouble 大卫惹麻烦

by David Shannon

David Goes To School 大卫上学去

David Goes To School 大卫上学去

by David Shannon

Don't Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus!

Don't Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus!

别让鸽子开巴士! by Mo Willems

Don't Let The Pigeon Stay Up Late!

Don't Let The Pigeon Stay Up Late!

别让鸽子太晚睡! by Mo Willems

Duck On A Bike 鸭子骑车记

Duck On A Bike 鸭子骑车记

by David Shannon

Giraffe Can't Dance 长颈鹿不会跳舞

Giraffe Can't Dance 长颈鹿不会跳舞

by Giles Andreae & Guy Parker-Rees

Go Away, Big Green Monster!

Go Away, Big Green Monster!

走开,绿色大怪物! by Ed Emberley

Goodnight Moon 月亮 晚安

Goodnight Moon 月亮 晚安

by Margaret Wise Brown

Good-Night Owl! 晚安,猫头鹰

Good-Night Owl! 晚安,猫头鹰

by Pat Hutchins

Green Eggs and Ham 绿鸡蛋和火腿

Green Eggs and Ham 绿鸡蛋和火腿

by Dr.Seuss

Guess How Much I Love You

Guess How Much I Love You

猜猜我有多爱你 by Sam McBratney

Harry The Dirty Dog 好脏的哈利

Harry The Dirty Dog 好脏的哈利

by Gene Zion

Hey, Little Ant 喂,小蚂蚁

Hey, Little Ant 喂,小蚂蚁

by Phillip and Hannah Hoose

Hildild's Night 讨厌黑夜的席奶奶

Hildild's Night 讨厌黑夜的席奶奶

by Cheli Duran Ryan

How and Tell 最棒的展示

How and Tell 最棒的展示

by Robert Munsch

How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?

How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?

恐龙怎么说晚安 by Jane Yolen & Mark Teague

I have a Little Problem, said the be

I have a Little Problem, said the be

大熊有一个小麻烦 by Heinz Janisch

I'd Really Like to Eat a Child

I'd Really Like to Eat a Child

我想要吃一个小孩 by Sylviane Donnio

If You Give A Mouse A Cookie

If You Give A Mouse A Cookie

要是你给小老鼠吃饼干 by Laura Joffe Numeroff

If You Give A Pig A Pancake

If You Give A Pig A Pancake

如果你请猪吃煎饼 (台版) by Laura Numeroff & Felicia Bond

If You Take A Mouse To School

If You Take A Mouse To School

要是你带小老鼠去上学 by Laura Numeroff & Felicia Bond

I'll Always Love You 我永远爱你

I'll Always Love You 我永远爱你

by Penny Ives

Imogene's Antlers 妞妞的鹿角

Imogene's Antlers 妞妞的鹿角

by David Small

Inch by Inch 一寸虫

Inch by Inch 一寸虫

by Leo Lionni

It's a Book 这是一本书

It's a Book 这是一本书

by Lane Smith

It's Mine! 这是我的!

It's Mine! 这是我的!

by Leo Lionni

Little Blue And Little Yellow 小蓝和小黄

Little Blue And Little Yellow 小蓝和小黄

by Leo Lionni

Mad At Mommy 我讨厌妈妈

Mad At Mommy 我讨厌妈妈

from Komako Sakai

Madeline Rescue 玛德琳的狗狗救星

Madeline Rescue 玛德琳的狗狗救星

by Ludwig Bemelmans

Madeline 玛德琳

Madeline 玛德琳

by Ludwig Vemelmans

Make Way For Ducklings 让路给小鸭子

Make Way For Ducklings 让路给小鸭子

by Robert McCloskey (中文是台版)

Millions Of Cats 100 万只猫

Millions Of Cats 100 万只猫

by Wand Ga'g

Mister Seahorse 海马先生

Mister Seahorse 海马先生

by Eric Carle

Mole and The Baby Bird 鼹鼠与小鸟

Mole and The Baby Bird 鼹鼠与小鸟

by Marjorie Newman

Mr. Grumpy's Outing 和甘伯伯遊河

Mr. Grumpy's Outing 和甘伯伯遊河

by John Burningham

My Dad 我爸爸

My Dad 我爸爸

by Anthony Brown

My Mum 我妈妈by Anthony Brown

My Mum 我妈妈by Anthony Brown

by Anthony Brown

Next Please 第五个

Next Please 第五个

by Ernst Jandl and Norman Junge

No, David! 大卫,不可以!

No, David! 大卫,不可以!

by David Shannon

Olivia 小猪奥利维亚

Olivia 小猪奥利维亚

by Ian Falconer

One Fine Day 晴朗的一天

One Fine Day 晴朗的一天

by Nonny Hogrogian

One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

一条鱼,两条鱼,红色的鱼,蓝色的鱼 by Dr. Seuss

Owl Moon 月下看猫头鹰

Owl Moon 月下看猫头鹰

by Jane Yolen

Press Here 点点点

Press Here 点点点

by Herve Tullet

The Giving Tree 爱心树

The Giving Tree 爱心树

by Shel Silver Stein

The Hello, Goodbye Window 神奇的窗子

The Hello, Goodbye Window 神奇的窗子

by Norton Juster

The Knight and the Dragon 武士与龙

The Knight and the Dragon 武士与龙

by Tomie DePaola

The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog!

The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog!

鸽子捡到一个热狗! by Mo Willems

The Pigeon Wants A Puppy!

The Pigeon Wants A Puppy!

鸽子想要小狗狗! by Mo Willems

The Rain Came Down 大雨哗啦哗啦下

The Rain Came Down 大雨哗啦哗啦下

by David Shannon

The Right Touch 不要随便摸我

The Right Touch 不要随便摸我

by Sandy Kleven, LCSW

The Runaway Bunny 逃家小兔

The Runaway Bunny 逃家小兔

by Margaret Wise Brown

The Snow Day 下雪天

The Snow Day 下雪天

by Ezra Jack Keats

The Story of the Little Mole

The Story of the Little Mole

是谁嗯嗯在我的头上 by Werner Holzwarth & Wolf Erlbruch

The Three Pigs  豬頭三兄弟

The Three Pigs 豬頭三兄弟

by David Wiesner

The Three Questions 尼古拉的三个问题

The Three Questions 尼古拉的三个问题

by Jon J. Muth

The Treasure 宝藏

The Treasure 宝藏

by Uri Shulevitz

he Trouble with Mom 我的妈妈真麻烦

he Trouble with Mom 我的妈妈真麻烦

by Babette Cole

The True Story of The 3 Little Pigs

The True Story of The 3 Little Pigs

三只小猪的真实故事 by A. Wolf

The Tunnel 穿过隧道

The Tunnel 穿过隧道

by Anthony Browne

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

好饿的毛毛虫 by Eric Carle

Thomas' Snowsuit 外套大混战

Thomas' Snowsuit 外套大混战

by Robert Munsch

Two Little Trains 两列小火车

Two Little Trains 两列小火车

by Margaret Wise brown bird



When Sophie Gets Angry - Really, Really Angry

Where The Wild Things Are 野兽出没的地方

Where The Wild Things Are 野兽出没的地方

by Maurice Sendak

Papa, please get the moon for me

Papa, please get the moon for me

爸爸,我要月亮 by Eric Carle

Miss Rumphius 花婆婆 by Barbara Cooney

Miss Rumphius 花婆婆 by Barbara Cooney

英文版: 中文版:

Something from Nothing 爷爷一定 有办法

Something from Nothing 爷爷一定 有办法

by Phoebe Gilman



There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly by Simms Taback 中文版: 英文版:

Where Willy Went... 小威向前冲

Where Willy Went... 小威向前冲

by Nicholas Allan

Who Wants A Cheap Rhinoceros?

Who Wants A Cheap Rhinoceros?

谁要一只便宜的犀牛 by Shel Silverstein

Pumpkin Soup 南瓜汤

Pumpkin Soup 南瓜汤

by Helen Cooper

Creepy Carrots! 胡萝卜怪

Creepy Carrots! 胡萝卜怪

by Aaron Reynolds

Knuffle Bunny-A Cautionary Tale

Knuffle Bunny-A Cautionary Tale

古纳什小兔-警世什小兔 by Mo Willems

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