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iMom365 previously called "WhatWhyAndHow" a facebook blog which I have been posting since Aug 9th, 2012. More postings  can found from I will repost the old posts on this site bit by bit too.
I am a mom of two kids living in Acton, one of the Boston exurbs. Currently homeschooling kids at home until they are ready go to kindergarten. After my elder kid was born, I decided to quite my job to become a full time mom. I would like to spend my time with my kids rather than sending them to homecare/childcare/preschool. I love spending time with kids, doing artworks, craftworks and any funtime activities with kids at home. My time is the only precious gift I could give to my kids to help them build a better foundation from the day they were born till they are ready go to middle school.
iMom365 之前名为 “WhatWhyAndHow" 是面书的一个部落。我从2012年8月9日开始写文章直到现今。面书部落的网址是 。我也会慢慢地重新把旧的文章上载到这儿来。
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